What Drill Bit is Best? America takes on China. Milwaukee, DeWALT, Bosch, Ryobi take on Spyder 100x

New Construction Tools and Equipment: Hitachi Drills

If you wish to use a fine electronic tool, Hitachi drills are the perfect tools for you. Hitachi has long been around the electronics industry since 1910. They have built numerous practical tools that undeniably made existence a lot easier for individuals. Creation and development is actually their primary target. They never stopped in producing the best of the best. If you wish to try a product that is trusted and durable, you can always have Hitachi to go to. It is the brand name that can last for a long time.

Scaffolding Towers Review: The Popular Mini Fold Model

Scaffolding towers are popular and exceptionally safe ways to work at high height. Whether you’re an ambitious homeowner with plenty of DIY projects, or a busy tradesman with a long queue of jobs, using a scaffolding tower is a great way to expedite the work. However, these towers have their own set of inherent features and functions that you should be aware of. Safety is of paramount importance, as well. Here’s some information about working safely on them and about a popular model called the “mini fold.”

Aluminium Ladders Review: The Abru Aluminium 3 Way Ladder

Even the tiniest cottage or flat has plenty of DIY projects. From painting a room to washing windows to hanging that newly acquired painting, chances are someday you’re going to need a safe and reliable ladder. But what type of ladder?

Loft Ladders Review: The Aluminium 3 Section Sliding Loft Ladder

Many homes in the UK have unused attic or loft space. For many people, the idea of utilising this extra space in a productive way is very attractive. However, it’s possible that homeowners may meet with problems, should they decide to renovate and access their loft space. Loft ladders are a particularly important aspect of this process, and many people choose to replace an outdated, and often dangerous, loft ladder with a newer, and safer, one. These ladders come in three basic versions: timber, fibreglass, and aluminium. In many cases, homeowners choose sectioned ladders, because they fold up compactly, and take up much less space. Here’s some information one particularly popular type of sliding loft ladder: the aluminium 3 section model.

Ladders Review: The Youngman Transforma

Whether you’re a homeowner or work in a trade or industrial setting, chances are you’re going to need to use a ladder at one time or another. Depending on the task, to do the job safely, a specialised type of ladder may be required. Which is why more than a few of us have a variety of ladders on hand. From the sectioned extension ladder to the simple step ladder, we often need a specialised ladder when beginning a task or project, whether at home or at work. Wouldn’t it be more efficient, though, to have a ladder that’s capable of multitasking safely and efficiently? Read on to learn about a great ladder from industry leader Youngman, the versatile Transforma.

Power Tools – A Handyman’s Guide

Power tools can make any building project or home repair much easier and save a lot of time. If you are a do-it-yourself advocate or just enjoy projects around the house, investing in some good power tools is a wise decision. With so many tools on the market, there are a few that should be in your collection.

Circular Saws – A Handyman’s Guide

Dating to 1780, the circular saw helps many craftsmen with their tasks of cutting and fitting wood. While the circular saws of past years were once powered by water, today’s saws are most commonly powered by electricity.

Aluminum Ladders Review: Youngman’s Trade 400 Aluminum Extension Ladder

Trade ladders are type of ladders that are used for professional work such as painting a building, maintaining a warehouse or doing roof repairs. What then are the characteristics of a typical trade ladder? Well, it should have a non-slip grip to ensure the safety and security of the user. It should have a room for extension since it is assumed that it will be used on different heights. It should have large rungs for comfort and relaxation since it is expected that it will be used for a long period of time. Lastly, it should be portable which means it should fall between the average weights of 9 to 29 kg. Well, there’s no better candidate for this type of ladder than your all around aluminum ladders which are lightweight yet amazingly durable. Here’s some information on Youngman’s Trade 400 Aluminum Extension Ladder.

Ladders Review: Little Giant Sky Scraper A-Frame Ladder

Ladders come in all shapes and sizes nowadays and choosing the one that’s right for you starts by answering the question why? Why do you need to purchase a ladder? What will you use it for? Finding out the purpose of the ladder of the ladder may save you some money in the long run. Another consideration would be the height. What is the floor to ceiling height of your home, office or building? If extra height is what you’re looking for, then nothing beats the Little Giant Sky Scraper A-frame ladder. This is the perfect choice for churches, auditoriums, convention centers, other industrial buildings. Read on to get more information on the world’s tallest A-frame ladder.

Scaffolding Towers Review: Youngman’s BoSS Evolution Scaffolding Tower

Scaffolding towers are more suited for construction and home renovation projects than simple ladders but there are obvious risks involved when using one. Safety is the number one consideration when buying your own scaffolding tower system. Therefore the danger of choosing the wrong one could lead to disastrous results. So in buying your very own scaffolding tower system you need to take into consideration the following…

Air Compressors – Essential Tools for Outdoor Use

Almost every garage or machine shop in the world will have access to an air compressor. This is a machine which allows for air to be funneled directly through its hose to a specific destination. Most of the time, this destination is a tire which needs to be inflated. However, there are more creative ways to use an air compressor if you should find the need for something to be blown outdoors.

Ladder Safety: OSHA Standard Requirements for Worker Safety

A specific OSHA standard (1926 Subpart X) is dedicated to portable ladders and it contains detailed requirements all occupational health and safety officers must know in order to ensure worker safety. This article presents an introduction to the OSHA standard on ladder safety, with detailed information for employers and workers. This safety information can be applied to the use of ladders in the home environment as well.

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